Tuesday 13 September 2016


"Dad please wake up!!!!!!!!!!" 

"let us play catch, Daddy!!! wake up and carry me"  I sobbed. My 7 year old mind was yet to understand what death meant but Dad wasn't moving nor did he blink which was unusual because he was never too tired for me.

Everybody was dressed in black and they all wore gloomy looks but Mom wore a straight face and occasionally wiped her face with her white handkerchief,  I was dressed in black too and i knew things were not alright especially when Dad lay stretched out in a box and relatives that I saw once in a blue moon were present.
I held Jodi's hand, my 12 year older brother, he didn't cry or look sad instead he had this distant look in his eyes. I tightened my grip because I didn't like what I saw. I would ask Jodi later, he always had answers to all my questions. I know he will tell me what happened to Dad and why everybody looked sad and looked at me with pity..                                                                  
The reverend was through and few people said good things about my Dad. He was always full of life, there was never a dull moment with him. I still don't understand why he couldn't climb out of that box and laugh in his usual way at our foolishness.. I was scared because I didn't know what to make out of this situation...One by One people left but before they left they all had a word with Mom. Mom wept the more people left. I guess she was scared of being left alone. I could relate to that too because when I was younger I cried each night Dad left my room after a bedtime story. I hated being left alone.
Hours later Mom, Jodi, Uncle Duke and me were left alone. It was time to ask them what happened to Dad because I never saw him ill. He left for work and didn't return in a long time and the next time I saw him was in a box all stretched out. I would ask Jodi first.

'Jodi?' I nudged him gently he seemed lost in thoughts.
'Jodi?' I called gently, I didn't want to upset him.
'Yeah, what is it? can't you stay in your room?'
'I'm sorry, but why was dad in that box?'
'What happened to Dad?'

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