Wednesday 10 August 2016


I was indoors for long. I told my parents and they were really mad at me. My parents haven't spoken to me in a long while now.
I will keep my baby. I rubbed my stomach and I remembered everything that had happened few days ago. Eddie's reaction was terrible.
"Eddie, I'm pregnant" I mumbled out.

"How can you be?" I bought you postinor tablets! Didn't you take them?" "I can't be a father now" He gushed out.
 ***The betrayer!! what arrogance, some weeks back he had professed unending love. How could he do this to me? I was heartbroken.I was lonely and felt like the wait of the world was upon me. 
"Look Amber, you will have to remove that ish" He pointed to my stomach with disdain.
I hated him, at that moment I felt like killing him. I didn't put the baby in my womb.
"Eddie? How can you suggest an abortion? Is this how shallow the love you proffesed is?"
"I will leave your life for good because I'm keeping this baby." I was angry, very angry. I left his apartment and didn't look back.Eddie didn't call me back either. 
I was alone, really alone and I was scared. Nicky is yet to talk to me. We pass each other in the hallway with a nod of the head. I hated myself.
My parents didn't accept the news in a good way. No religious parents would. My mom cried like her heart was on fire. My Dad couldn't say a word.
"Dad, Mom I did something wrong"
They were eager to hear.
I couldn't sugarcoat the story, so I blurted out.
"I am pregnant and the guy responsible said I should abort it".
My life was finished. My parents mouth hung open. 
They didn't ask me anything. The silence was awkward, no one moved, my palms were sweaty. Eventually, I apologised profusely and walked out. No one moved or said anything. I ran to my dorm and wept my heart out. Reality was hard.
I WILL KEEP MY BABY, no matter how hard things become. I will be that perfect Mom, I swore. I prayed to the Almighty and slept off.
I was strong for Tomorrow.

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