Tuesday 4 October 2016


I anxiously waited for Jodi's reply. I couldn't wait to hear about what happened to Dad and why he lay stretched out in that box. I felt something was wrong but I wanted Jodi to reassure me, wanted him to tell me I was being silly. 

'Jodi, I'm waiting!!!!!!! what happened to Dad' I asked Jodi again.

'why don't you just remain in your room until you're called' He snapped

Something was definitely wrong, Jodi never spoke to me in that manner. I ignored his tone. I was bent on finding out from him. I couldn't go to Mom, her face wasn't nice.

'Jodi, please' I begged with urgency in my voice.

'Let us go to Dad's room' He said with a sigh.

I was happy, at last he will tell me what happened. I held his hand as we entered Dad's room, it hadn't changed, his clothes were thrown in that careless manner and his favorite pair of black shoe was still in its position on his shoe rack. His scent was still strongly in the room.

'Bennie, Dad has gone on a very long journey, don't know when he would be back'Jodi said in clenched teeth.

'It is not true. his favorite shoe is here, he doesn't leave them behind when he travels, besides Dad would have told me about his travels' I finished. 

I didn't believe Jodi. How could he lie to me. I knew the times dad traveled, he always informed me. Something bad must have happened.

'Jodi, why was dad in that box if you say he traveled'? I was curious

'Bennie, Dad is gone. He went to meet the Almighty that's why he was in a box. We won't be seeing him in a long while but he will be watching over us. He ruffled my hair and tried to smile.

I believed Jodi. he was smart but he didn't know that Dad was going to return someday. I was smarter in that. I didn't cry because I had my little secret with me. I would wait for Dad's return but before he comes back, I would have become a better boy for him. I loved my Dad.

I held Jodi's hand and we walked out of Dad's room. I would miss his presence but then I knew he would be back and I had Jodi, Mom and uncle Duke

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