Tuesday 2 August 2016


 (8 days after sexing)
Please be blue!!Please be blue!!!!

I had surfed the net about Pregnancies. I could be called an expert in that area now. According to the information online, a sex test could be taken 8 days after intercourse or some days before menstrual period. So I was in order, bought myself a test kit, dipped it into my urine and waited. While waiting and praying for a blue colour, I thought; What have I gotten myself into? Why did I agree to sex him after the promise I made to God. I didn't enjoy it after all and there was no biggie about sex.
My God!!!! so many thoughts running through my mind. I have pregnancy paranoia. Plus my conscience doesn't ever let me rest, it was against my belief, my parents frowned at it.
What if I was pregnant? How will I bear the shame? I will definitely break my parents heart! I am against abortions but then something will have to be done!!!

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