Thursday 4 August 2016


I saw Nicky in school walking towards me in her usual happy bounce.  

She was always full of positive vibes and was optimistic. Nicky my best friend, to me she was the perfect friend anybody could wish for, she was my sister even though I had two blood sisters. Nicky was more beautiful than me, she was a stunner. She had almond shaped eyes that crinkled at the corners in a lovely way anytime she laughed(she did that often) she had slender calves and smooth nice shaped  legs that went on in an endless way. Hips, that was like a sculptor’s work. The dark mass on her head was shorter than mine but very stylish. She was a good person.

''Hi Amber, I hope you will be your usual self today. I've missed the other Amber'' .
"What happened yesterday? Bad news from home? Or Eddie has become too busy again. Do tell!!!!"
It was on the tip of my tongue. How would she react?
"Nicky? I want some yogurt, let’s go get some before lecture starts".
Off we went.  We sat under a shade and took a greedy helping of the yogurt. It was the students favorite. I relished its taste, it soothed my screaming nerves. For a moment I forgot my worries, the baby, Eddie. I was at peace and I didn’t want it to end.
"So tell me, what has been eating you up?" Nicky asked with a face I knew, only the yogurt could give.
"I am pregnant" I blurted out
Nicky Laughed :"What line was that? What movie did you see last night?"
she stared me in the face and saw how serious and scared I looked.
''How did it happen? thought we....thought we promised to not to...'' Nicky asked in shock.
''I know. I replied.
''Who is responsible'' she whispered visibly shaken. 
''Eddie'' I whispered back. 
Tiredness was written all over my face. The stress of the past days were taking their toll on me. I told her the story from day one, the rape, the second time that brought the doom.
Nicky left her seat and sat on mine she hugged me so hard.
 I will be there Amber, I will be there.. she cried 
I have never seen her like this. Her beautiful face was a portrait of many emotions. I felt very bad for causing that. She wept for her best friend, She wept for what i had gotten myself into, Wept for the lost innocence.
 "Will you keep the baby? give it up for Adoption? Or remove it.'' 
I stared at her. What will i do? 
"Have you told your parents? Have you told Eddie?'' all these questions rushed out in a breath.
I stared at her again and rested my head on her shoulders. I shed hot bitter tears, I had let my friend down yet she loved me more. I knew she was mad at Eddie but couldn't say it out, not now but she will eventually.
Should I tell my parents? What will Eddie's reaction be? Can I stand tall if I carry the baby to full trimester? I didn't want to think again. I had my bestfriend and i know we would figure out something. now i will only cry and take solace in her hugs and soothing words.
There was still tomorrow......

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